vendredi 9 septembre 2011


H-3 sekolah. oh god who am i kidding, none of my homeworks have been touch. i'm pretty much procrastinationing all holiday. yeaaa, trs bntr lg masuk sklh udh gabisa bgn siang lg, nyantai2, mlh bkl bnyk tugas numpuk. whatta fuckin life.

btw, you know the new facebook game the sims social? for the past few weeks i was really addicted to that game. when ppl were lyk not really into it. and now their post abt that game are all over my homepage. i mean, srsly? guys? now? omg and don't get me started with the requests. then i decided to accept one of their requests and started to play that game again. then i remember the day i was reaaaalllly addicted to it girl. hahaha, apa kabar ya punya gw skrg. lol, it doesn't even important. blah, i'm so rollin to bed. ta-ta


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