lundi 7 novembre 2011

been trying to edit some photos lately, and since i'm in a photography club now i'm thinking to make my own photoblog ;) or tumblr..... well actually i've already made one, and it's still a secret! and, it's a photoquotumblr. quoting on photography, in tumblr. i just made that up-_- okaaay jadi tuh ya gue udh pernah hunting foto tp sometimes when you're sitting in front of ur laptop, inspirations come lyk hellllll than when u're somewhere and holding a camera. anyway, about the photography club, the people are lyk kinda different. they love landscapes, human interests, etc. actually i love those things to, but they ain't tumblr minded. you know, filtering photos, quoting, style-fading, etc. so yeah, i'll share the link when my secret phototumblr is ready, and has lyk 10 photos. arrivederci!

Xx. ♥ & ☮

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